Behavioral Health Services Help Desk 866-771-3350 Assists with questions related to MO HealthNet Behavioral Health services including Clinical Exception, Psychology/Counseling Prior Authorizations
Clinical Services Clinical Services is responsible for clinical policy development for the MHD. For questions about clinical policy
providers should contact
Cost Recovery/Third Party Liability 573-751-2005 Contact the Third Party Liability unit at or call (573) 751-2005 to report:
Injuries sustained by Mo HealthNet participants
Questions about the estate of a deceased MO HealthNet participant
Problems obtaining a response from an insurance carrier
Unusual situations concerning third party insurance coverage for MO HealthNet participants,
or the Health Insurance Premium Payment Program (HIPP)
Education and Training Education and Training instructs providers on navigating provider resources, proper billing methods and
procedures for claim filing via
eMOMED . Contact Education and Training at or call (573) 751-6683. Visit
Education and Training to register for training and to access additional resources.
Electronic Visit Verification System required for all Personal Care and Home Health Care services to document the delivery of these services under MHD.
MO HealthNet Exceptions Unit The MO HealthNet Exceptions Unit reviews Durable Medical Equipment (DME) or physical therapy requests that
aren’t normally covered for participants over the age of 21.
Exception Request Forms can be found at
Provider Forms .
Requests can be faxed to (573) 522-3061. Call the Pharmacy and Medical Pre-Certification Help Desk at
(800) 392-8030 for additional information.
Overpayments Contact to address repayment of overpayment amounts because of an audit or investigation.
Participant Services 800-392-2161 Participant Services assists participants with provider issues and questions regarding services, coverage,
or unpaid bills.
MO HealthNet Managed Care participants should contact their
health plan with questions
For questions about Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT), participants may call their health plan directly or call (866) 269-5927
Pharmacy Administration Pharmacy Administration Pharmacy Administration is responsible for the pharmacy program and policy development for MHD.
Contact Pharmacy Administration at
or call (573) 751-6963. Fax in drug PA requests to (573) 636-6470. For more information visit
Pharmacy Program Information.
Pharmacy and Medical Pre-Certification Help Desk 800-392-8030 For drug prior authorizations, call the Pharmacy and Medical Pre-Certification Help Desk at (800) 392-8030 option 3.
For medical pre-certifications and drug PAs, call (800) 392-8030 or login to CyberAccess. To become a CyberAccess user,
contact the Conduent help desk at: (573) 632-9797 or email
Provider Communications (833) 222-7916 Provider Communications is available to assist providers with questions about proper claim filing,
claims resolution or disposition, participant eligibility and verification. Contact Provider Communications via
eMOMED or by calling toll free (833) 222-7916 or (573) 751-2896.
Provider Enrollment (833) 818-1183 Missouri Medicaid Audit and Compliance (MMAC) is responsible
for enrolling MO HealthNet providers. To enroll as a MO HealthNet FFS provider, visit the MMAC website, review the Provider Enrollment Guide, or
email Provider Enrollment at .
MO HealthNet Managed Care: To enroll as a MO HealthNet Managed Care provider, refer to the
Managed Care Provider Toolkit for contact information for each of the health plans.
Provider Revalidation Providers needing to revalidate their MO HealthNet enrollment can contact Provider Revalidation at
, or by calling (573) 751-5238. Provider revalidation dates can be located in eMOMED.
Provider Technical Help Desk The Provider Technical Help Desk can provide technical assistance in establishing the
required electronic claims and remittance advice formats, network communication, HIPAA trading partner
agreements and eMOMED claim filing service. Contact the Help Desk at (573) 635-3559.
Reporting Fraud The Missouri Medicaid Audit & Compliance (MMAC) unit investigates allegations of fraud, waste, and abuse. Visit the
MMAC website
for more information on reporting fraud .